Kids with Profinium T-shirts

About Us

Today, like every day — you choose.

You pass through life once - fast. 
Leave your mark - make a difference- pursue the best of your abilities.
Do something so meaningful, with such conviction and skill, that it transforms peoples' lives.
Commit yourself to deliver the common, every day things - Extraordinarily.

A vision fed by sacrifice, innovation and collaboration paves the road to a dream. 
Don't settle. Accept the challenge. Make the sacrifice. Be Legendary.
Give more than you ever imagined possible. 
Be more than you ever imagined. 
Believe in Yourself.

This is what we believe - Your AMAZING is Possible

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Achieving Dreams Together
profinium logo

People first, Teamwork, Confidence, Accountable, Excel

profinium logo
  • Cultivating excellence 
  • Inspiring a fun environment
  • Delivering a legendary experience 
  • Vested in our communities' success

This is how we Achieve Dreams Together.


We are committed to the care and respect of all.

We collaborate and do our best together.

We are competent, capable, and kind.

We do what we say with integrity.

We give maximum effort to exceed expectations.

Cultivating excellence by challenging ourselves with courage and confidence.
Inspiring a fun environment where innovation thrives, mentoring is essential, and our journey is celebrated.
Delivering a legendary experience through our unrivaled service and empowering solutions.
Vested in our communities' success with leadership, resources and time.


"It's not the events of our lives that shape us, but our beliefs as to what those events mean."
~Tony Robbins

Our story starts back in 1875, only seventeen years after Minnesota became a state. Locally owned and managed for 150 years, we've lived, worked, thrived, struggled, rejoiced, mourned, and succeeded in our communities. In 2003, we merged two banks and formed one identity… Profinium (PROfessional FINancial solutions for the new MillennIUM).
Something profound began at Profinium in 2008. You were struggling during the tough financial times of the Great Recession — and so were we.
We certainly weren't the only business taking this journey at that time, but we took a different path. We decided it was an opportunity to test our resilience, adapt, and innovate.

We were going to make Profinium a place people want to come, not just their bank, but something more, something inspirational, something life-changing in the midst of very hard times. We took a stance against boring banking!

We knew that we could see our way through this because we had a new attitude driving us, “Achieving Dreams — Together.” We created a roadmap for achieving our dreams and the dreams of our clients. We followed through every day by taking specific action steps — like a commitment to creating a legendary experience for clients, providing unrivaled service, and improving our technology.

And it worked.

After making it through the darkest days of the economic crisis and helping our clients do the same, it was time to take another look at our story. How could we improve upon our promises? How would we incorporate what we learned?

Our tagline became, "Amazing IS Possible". We can do this… together. You have dreams. We have the expertise to help you achieve them. It's truly amazing what we can accomplish when the vision is clear, and a plan is in place.

Today, you may see, "Your Amazing is Possible".  We know that achieving dreams take determination, courage, grit, and so much more. It's your dream and we want to cheer you on and help you achieve YOUR dream.  

We're so thankful to you - our clients and communities, that you've joined us on this journey, and that we have the privilege of being a part of your lives and your dreams.

We've had highs and lows over 140 years. We've struggled and succeeded; and like you, we keep growing and learning. We know how to be successful and produce results. We dare to dream and know how to bring those dreams to life.

Your amazing is possible. 
We love strengthening our communities and can't wait to hear about your organization and event.

Have you heard about our Non-Profit Giveback Program?
We created a unique and tailored giveback program designed to support our nonprofits in our shared commitment to community vibrancy and sustainability in Minnesota.

team check presentation

Each year, Profinium recognizes team members who
exemplify our Pursuit to be “Vested in our communities’ success
with leadership, resources, and time.”

For the fourth quarter of 2024, Profinium would like to recognize
Doris Rosener.
Dorris profile photo

Doris has been very active in her community, serving on multiple organizations!
•Volunteered many hours to the Shepherd of the Lakes Evangelical Lutheran Church as a Sunday School teacher and president of the Ladie's group.
•Volunteer at Kids Against Hunger
•Donated blood to the American Red Cross
•Volunteer at Jesus Cares
•Member of the Fairmont Lions Club
•Volunteer at Heaven’s Table food shelf
Deadline for receiving applications is May 15, 2024.
Available for students in Freeborn & Mower Counties in Minnesota.

The next round will be open June 3, 2024 with applications
due July 15, 2024.
Matching grants will be awarded to organizations with 501(c)(3) status who serve the communities located in Martin County.